Happy November, everyone! Sorry this is a day late but all the work I was doing to promote the start of the
OilCan Drive Kickstarter really took a toll on me the last few days. Who knew it would be so much work for one man to launch a campaign and promote it?
This month's blog header features a piece I did of ex-military man and lead guitar player for OCD, Vincent Spicer. He is the second piece in a set of all four band members that I am doing as new mini stand-ups. Ryan was done last month and Nicole and Henry are penciled and waiting for some ink and color. If things go right at least one of them will be featured on the blog header for December.

Here is the full figure illustration of Vince. I think once all four of the band members (and, who knows, I may do one of Lily and some other characters as well) are done and up on my shelf they should look pretty cool. I have an old set of the band already in front of me as stand-ups but they were done back in 2003 or 2004. So, it's about time for an upgrade.
The OilCan Drive Kickstarter Campaign launched on Thursday and, unfortunately, it didn't set the world on fire right out of the gate. I promoted it, paid for ad space, and hit every forum I am a member of. I even created an event for it on Facebook and had over 50 people join. So I was hoping for a larger launch but it just didn't happen. But, what can you do? I did my best, told everyone I knew about it, and created the best art, music, video, and campaign I could. If it works, it works, and if it doesn't it means I go back to doing what I was doing before. It's not like anything really changes in my drive to keep writing, drawing, and making music for the little rock band living inside my head.
The good news is that my Kickstarter Campaign was featured as a
"staff pick" on the website last night. This means that someone over at Kickstarter Central likes what I'm doing. It will now be close to the top of the page when someone searches in the Comics section or the local, Boulder, Colorado section. Maybe that will give it a little life.
But, for me, I've decided not to worry or fret about it too much anymore. Worrying about it feels like worrying about the stock market doing better or my favorite hockey team winning a game. It does nothing for me except make me worry. Today I'm getting back to the drawing board and inking a new page for the second issue of OilCan Drive.
I figure that's a better way to spend my day than worrying.
Have a great one and I'll see you all soon!