Hello everyone! Sorry once again for the lack of posts this month. I was really sick all this last week and, now that I am finally feeling better again, I find myself needing to catch up on all the work I've missed.
It got so bad that I finally missed my first week of posting a new OilCan Drive page. I'm not proud of the fact I missed a deadline, even a personally imposed one, but, luckily, the world didn't end and no one yelled too loudly. Hopefully I can get that back on track with the comic this week or the next.

Later this week I'll be finishing up the newest round of illustrations for Sports Illustrated so I figured now would be a good time to show off the pieces from May's issue. It should be out on the stands as we speak so, if you want to see these in glorious print, head on out to your nearest bookstore or news stand (do they even have either of those anymore?) and pick up a copy.
May's article featured basketball, football, and an indoor tennis match.
Okay, I am off. There are a few emails and ordering I need to catch up on and then it's back to the drawing board. Talk to you all soon and I hope you're doing great!