Wednesday, June 2, 2010

From The Desk

Just a few bits and pieces that have been seen on my art table the last few days.

Personally, I like the guy with the mohawk the best. He's kind of like a Travis Barker character (the drummer from Blink 182) from some odd TV cartoon featuring the adventures of Blink 182.

I'd call it "The Young Blinky Tots Fun Hour!" and make a fortune.

Now if I can just find a place to fit the cartoon versions of Mark and Tom into the next job I'll be all set!


Manu said...

Always nice to see your hand at work, Sean. I'm sure Blink 182 would take a big advantage to hire the services of a great cartoonist like you. Have a nice day :)

Sean Tiffany said...

If only they would call me back!!! ha ha