Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nicole Finished!

I've been so busy these last few days I almost forgot to post the finished design of Nicole, the last piece of art in the OilCan Drive Doodle series.

So, that's it. Four band members and four designs. Now to figure out what to do next when I have a free minute or two.

I know Nicole will end up on next month's blog header but, what do you think, would the OilCan Drive Doodle series work well as a series of t-shirts? If you do, I'll see what I can do to make that happen.

But, for now, enjoy the art and have a great day.


Manu said...

The t-shirt question is in my mind for a long time. I think it could be a great idea to have OCDs on t-shirts, but the problem remains : how to be sure the products we put on t-shirts or other stuff come out widely to the public ? It's not easy to make the public know some cool stuff we had made can be baught here or there... I know some people who have made printed t-shirts and send them on the net, but only one nephew or their mother have baught them, bacause just a few people come to the site, or know it. What about working with a real shop or a firm ? Easier said than done, because we can loose a part of our creations. But I think to industrialize our stuff is a great idea anyway. If you're sure it's not a loss of time, do it, and may the Force with you, my friend ! :D

rob! said...

Love the design element in the bground!

Sean Tiffany said...

Manu, I still think it's better to have a product out there that only sells to your friends and family than to sit and wait and not have any product out there at all. Like Woody Allen said (I think), "Half the job is just showing up." So, even if only one person buys one shirt I still think I'll do them.

And, Rob, thanks for the kudos on the design. It's been really fun doing that on these illustrations and I can see why you love it so much.