Monday, June 13, 2011

Nicole OilCan Drive Doodle Sketch

I wrapped up the weekend with the music gear stowed away and a few new thoughts in my head. I have some client work to tackle in the coming week so I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to work on any of the OilCan Drive music anytime soon but that might be a good thing. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and rethink your plan of attack before trying it out again. But, don't worry, I'm not quitting the music side of my favorite cartoon band anytime soon.

And, with a little extra time on my hands this afternoon, I sketched out the last member of OilCan Drive I needed to do in the OCD Doodle series, Nicole Baylor, the band's drummer.

I'm really liking the way the pencil sketch came out and I can't wait to lay some ink down on her. And, what can I say? When it comes to a pretty girl, I am definitely a booty fan!

Have a great day and I'll see if I can get the inks done on her sooner than later.


Manu said...

Yes, she's really sexy ! :D

(Looks like a Bond girl !)

Sean Tiffany said...

Thanks, Manu! She's no Wonder Woman but I really like her!

Monika CG Tiffany said...

Sean, you rock... seriously! Good job, cutie!