Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pencil Sketch

Like I said yesterday, I'm trying to fill my days with plenty of stuff to do and one of those things is, no matter what else I have on my plate, is to sit down at the art table and draw or ink a little bit each day.

Since I don't have any personal OilCan Drive work that needed to be penciled this week I thought it might be fun to do another pin-up of a friend. So, I printed off a copy of a photo, sat down, and started penciling away.

Note: I changed the photo to black and white because it helped focus on the pencils more...but, looking at it now, I really like it...

So far, so good. I've always love drawing friends from photos. It's usually totally different from how I would normally draw in my cartoony comic book style but, while it's a bit more realistic, it still retains that cartoony flavor. So, I love doing these and I hope, once it's done, that everyone will like it.

But, of course, I have a few new OilCan Drive pieces in mind so, once this piece is done, it's a safe bet that you'll be seeing some new OilCan Drive pieces that you might never have seen if I didn't implement this new schedule of mine. It's day three of the schedule and it still feels great. I wake up every morning and the first thing I open up on the computer is my little daily checklist of things to do. It's really been energizing me and it feels like I am putting all of my time into proper use.

Of course, it's only day three so we'll see where it goes from here. But, so far, so good.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Sean Tiffany said...

Oh, and I added one more item last night to my "list of things to do everyday": doing this blog!