Monday, February 16, 2015

Sports Illustrated Kids - January/February

 Alright, it's that time of the month again where I find myself starting the next round of illustrations for the "What's The Call" article for Sports Illustrated Kids magazine. So, I thought now would be the perfect time to show off the pieces I did for the January/February issue a few months ago. I'm sure if you run out to the book store or the closest magazine rack you can find the actual issue itself!

This month featured stories about basketball, football, and golf.

As always, it's a pleasure to do this job and I always look forward to it every month. I never know what kind of scenarios they are going to throw at me so each month it feels like a kid opening up a big present on Christmas morning. I know that may sound odd, thinking of work assignments like presents, but I always have. They are always challenging and fun and really make me work better at doing something I love so much.

I'm just lucky that SIK is such a great gifter! LOL

Alright, I am off to start on the next round of sports drawings. I hope you all have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!

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