Sunday, December 26, 2010

I Lied...

I thought I'd actually take the whole day off on Christmas because, well, you know, it's a holiday and all.

But, no, I found myself inking away on some new illustrations for a kids book because my plans fell through.

Ah well, when all else fails there is always more work that needs to be done.

At least a new Doctor Who Christmas Special was on. And that was really fun to watch and made the day special, even if only for an hour and twenty minutes.


Manu said...

Sean, I'm sure you get boring if you take much more than one day off, anyway ! :) )

Jeff Lafferty said...

Yeah Sean, you better watch out you don't want to get boring :)

Sean Tiffany said...

You know, boring sounds pretty good right about now...ha ha!