Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Well, I think I got the glitches fixed on the OilCan Drive website last night. I still have no idea what was wrong in the first place but I took all the posts down that weren't working, reloaded them, and that seemed to work. Of course, at one point, every comic in the story was up on the site (lucky you if you were looking at the site at that time) and, at another point, I basically took down every comic on the site (if you saw it then, please go back...there is something there now.)

So, while I felt like banging my head against the wall more than a few times I think it's finally back up and running. Unfortunately, I did lose a few posted comments so, Jeff, if you're reading this, I didn't mean to delete your comments. I'm sorry.

I did get some more OilCan Drive stuff done today. I got some buttons ordered for some new Henry Pin-Head paper toys I need to get done and I created and ordered some OilCan Drive web-comic business cards. I also got the banner done for the site which will always live under the header of this blog. It will probably change from time to time as I create new art but, for now, I'm just glad to have a permanent link here to the web comic.

And I also created some templates of panels for the comic so I can easily draw new stuff without laying out borders. I think, since I went digital, I've gotten so used to the freedom of simply drawing and then cropping after the fact that going back and drawing inside existing boxes just doesn't feel right. Hopefully this will work and get the drawing of the new story flowing a lot better.

OK, it's been a busy day but now I need to start sketching out some client work before I go out for a bike ride. There is always something to do around here.

Have a good one!

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