Friday, January 27, 2012

Sifting Through the Sounds

It's been about three months since I laid down all the instrument tracks for a few OilCan Drive songs I've been working on. Since I finally found myself with a little bit of free time I thought it might be good to go through those tracks and see what I had.

It's a daunting task to go through the ideas I had all those months ago and more than a few times I've wondered, "what the hell was I thinking when I recorded this part?!" It has definitely been an interesting adventure.

I've found that writing songs and making music is kind of like putting together a puzzle. The only difference is in doing music you have to create all the puzzle pieces yourself first. And, some of those puzzle pieces you create don't quite fit. And, if that wasn't bad enough, there's also absolutely no rules when it comes to saying what's right and what is wrong.

Because, in the end, it all yours and yours alone.

It's been a bit scary to revisit this stuff and try and make some sense out of it. And, when I say scary, I mean both the most nervous and most fun I've had all week.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Jeff Lafferty said...

Cool! Back on the music