Thursday, April 7, 2011

Exit 6 Back Cover Inks

Here is the inked illustration for the back cover of the Exit 6 collected book. Things are going really great with the art side of the project. Now if I could just sit down and get the writing part all hammered out this thing would be almost completed.

It sounds like I need to schedule out some time this weekend to revisit my past a bit more. It's a fun place to visit but I'm not sure I'd want to live there again.

Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

I am amazed by the pace of your work and excited about the finished product. Glad to hear that we may see some more work from Plastic Spoon Press.

Monika CG Tiffany said...

You're such a rockstar. I'm excited to read about your adventures...

Sean Tiffany said...

Thank you both! I'm really loving drawing the old cast of characters again. If I had known it would be this much fun I would have done this project a long time ago!