I was really happy all around with how this piece came out, especially that I did it all in one day. The one thing that does bother me, now that I look back on it, is how rounded I made the body of the guitar on the left side. The body on that part of a Fender Stratocaster is much flatter and not so round. I looked back at the pencils and I had it right so I think I used too much of an arced french curve on it when I inked in that part. Ah well, maybe it's not so noticeable to someone who doesn't think about and stare at guitars most of their day. But, for me, it's still the first thing I see.

From this point it was simply a matter of erasing the pencil sketch, filling in a few black spaces (that's what the little x's are for), doing some touch up with a bit of white out, and then scanning and coloring the piece in the computer.
Tomorrow I'll show off the finished hi-res color version of this piece as well as a special bonus version of this piece. But, for now, it's back to work on something new.
Have a great day!
Nice drawing! I like your brushwork. Are you left-handed?
Hi Don. Thanks for the kudos. And yes, I am left handed. You can probably tell from my set-up. I can't imagine how backwards and awkward that it would be if I was right handed.
And, usually when I draw something like this I'll keep the figure on the right side of the paper just for ease of use. But, because Ryan had a guitar with a neck on it, I wanted to make sure I left enough room for it without going off the edge of the page.
But, yeah...um...left handed...yes.
Left-handed is cool. I just like to see how talented people work!
One of these days I'll get another video of me working done and up on the blog. It's on my list of things to do.
Thanks Don!
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